Sunday, October 8, 2017

Zero Damage Rule

Despite the fact that I've posted a handy link to a YouTube video that explains the who, what, why, where, and how of the Zero Damage Rule for Pit Raids, I thought I'd also post a step-by-step guide for quick reference. First, however, let me explain what the ZDR is and why we're using it.

The ZDR establishes an initial 24 hour period when we do no damage in the Pit Raid. The reasons for the ZDR are various, but, in the main, guilds commonly use the ZDR because the Time Zones of members differ significantly. If a Pit Raid is launched and finished while you're sleeping, for example, you won't receive any rewards.

With the ZDR in place, however, you have a 24 hour window of opportunity to make sure that you earn rewards. Even with zero damage, you will appear in the Contribution list and receive a payout. Of course, our Raid Leader plans to launch Pit Raids at different times to increase the chances of everyone having the opportunity to earn rewards.  

So, to briefly recap, the ZDR: Do no damage in the Pit Raid for 24 hours after launch. When this 24 hour period ends, the Pit Raid is then FFA (Free For All).

Here's what following the ZDR looks like. The first screen you'll see is the The Pit entry screen:

You'll notice that Ryer already achieved zero damage. So, tap Battle and your Squad Selection screen appears:

The game should auto-select a squad. So, tap Clear Squad and scroll down to the very bottom of your inventory:

As it turns out, Pao is my weakest 6 Star hero. Choosing your weakest hero ensures that you'll get murdered pretty quickly! So, select your weakest hero and then tap Battle:

You'll then receive this Warning. Tap OK. You'll then enter the battle:

Attack either the Gammorean to the left or right to register no damage. Make sure you select one or the other manually. They will counter and kill you quickly:

The next step is to tap out:

Total Damage Dealt = 0. Success! And, back on The Pit entry page, I appear on the Contribution list:

Now we wait for 24 hours. At 5pm PST tomorrow, the Pit Raid becomes FFA. And that's it. Easy. 

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