Saturday, October 28, 2017

Guilding 101, by Ryer Grogan

The following is the first in a series of (hopefully) helpful guides on how to be a good Guild Member. Feedback is appreciated!

LESSON 1: Daily Raid Tickets

Earning Raid Tickets is one of the most basic tasks for every Guild member. Most people accomplish this without even knowing they are doing so. You earn Raid Tickets for every ENERGY point you spend to do your battles.

There are two types of ENERGY.

1) Regular ENERGY is identified on your screen by a Yellow Lightning Bolt:

2) Cantina ENERGY is identified on your screen by an Orange Lightening Bolt:

These ENERGIES refresh automatically over time. You earn 1 regular ENERGY point every 6 minutes and 1 Cantina ENERGY every 12 minutes.

When you spend ENERGY in a battle you earn 1 Raid Ticket for each ENERGY point spent. You can only earn up to 600 Raid Tickets per day. You can spend more ENERGY, but you will not earn any more than 600 tickets each day.

The Ticket Cap is one of the reasons the Guild Officers urge you to spend your 600 ENERGY points daily. Here's some fun math for you:

Our Guild currently has 33 member. If all of us spent 600 ENERGY points daily, then we would earn:

600 ENERGY = 600 Raid Tickets x 33 Members = 19,800 Raid Tickets per day for the Guild.

A Tier 5 Pit Raid costs 46,000 Raid Tickets to launch. That means, if we all earned the maximum number of tickets, we could launch a new Pit Raid approximately every 3 days. Imagine the Rewards!!!

By now some of you have already noticed that leaving the game to automatically refresh will not earn you 600 ENERGY per day. In fact the most you can earn is 240 Regular ENERGY and 120 Cantina ENERGY. So how can you spend 600 ENERGY points per day?

The answer is Crystal refreshes. Crystals are identified on your screen by the Purple Crystal icon:

While Crystals do not automatically refresh, like ENERGY, you do earn them as rewards for playing the game. You can spend 50 Crystals to earn a refresh of 120 Regular ENERGY. And you can do this 3 times a day. (After the 3rd time, the price of the refresh increases to 100 Crystals.) So, if you refresh 3 times at 120 ENERGY points a pop, you get an additional 360 Regular ENERGY points to spend. With the additional 360 plus the 240 you are at/over 600 Raid Tickets per day.

Long story short, spend your ENERGY and earn those Raid Tickets daily!

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